Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and what better day to start a resolution than Lent. The 40 days and 40 nights before Easter and to sacrifice something. It is standard practice to fast but most people just sacrifice something. I have never been one to follow through with making a sacrifice or fasting for lent, but I was once told that it also means to do something different to better yourself. Whether you believe this or not, I have chosen to better myself by giving up poor eating and lack of an exercise routine. Wish me luck, because having good eating habits and a regular work out routine are things I've never been successful with. I have downloaded countless apps that help track exercise including a pedometer, track food intake, and provide exercise routines. I will also be blogging my daily meals and activities. This is a very large undertaking for me as some people give up candy or soda or drinking or smoking or even using an elevator. Wish me luck and I wish you luck if you have decided to give up something for Lent. Hopefully, like me, this decision will better yourself as well.
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